Evanjelické gymnázium Tisovec      
bilingválne slovensko-anglické


IDEA Youth Forum 2011

Vďaka celoročnému odhodlaniu a práci na projekte The People Speak - Global Debates sa traja študenti - Andrej Batyás, Milica Majorčíková a Zuzana Szalaiová prebojovali do finále. Vďaka ich finálnemu umiestneniu na druhom mieste z 247 prihlásených škôl z celého sveta sa dostali na dvojtýždňové mládežnícke fórum IDEA Youth Forum 2011, ktoré sa konalo od 19. júla do 1. augusta 2011 v Istanbule a bolo spojené s majstrovstvami sveta v debate.
Na fóre sa stretlo vyše 330 účastníkov z viac ako 50 krajín sveta. Trénerkou tisovského tímu sa stala absolventka EGT Klaudia Ondrejová.
Počas dvoch náročných týždňov sa títo študenti naplno venovali debatovaniu. Absolvovali náročné semináre, kde sa teoreticky zlepšovali v debatovaní. Učili sa ako správne tvoriť argumenty, ako správne reagovať na súpera, venovali sa taktiež aj rôznym praktickým cvičeniam, ktoré ich utvrdili v ich nadobudnutých teoretických znalostiach.
Potom sa začali samotné majstrovstvá, kde súťažilo 53 tímov z celého sveta. Náš tím z Tisovca sa umiestnil na 43. mieste. S týmto umiestnením sme veľmi spokojní, nakoľko to bola naša prvá anglická debata a našimi súpermi boli ľudia, pre ktorých je angličtina materským jazykom a debatujú už niekoľko rokov. Víťazom súťaže sa stalo družstvo zo Spojených štátov.
Po skončení majstrovstiev sveta boli účastníci rozdelení do medzinárodných tímov, s ktorými súťažili v ďalšom turnaji. Aďo bol v tíme s Američanom a dievčaťom z Litvy, Zuzka bola s Američanom a Rumunkou a Milica bola s Kanaďanom a Bielorusom. Klaudia bola v skupine pre trénerov a celé dva týždne sa učila rozhodovať debaty. Bola to pre nich veľká skúsenosť do života, nakoľko celý čas boli nútení rozprávať po anglicky a to nielen na úrovni bežnej komunikácie ale aj debatovania, čo bolo neraz veľmi náročné. K zlepšeniu ich angličtiny prispelo aj to, že v hoteli nebývali v izbách so svojimi tímami ale s rôznymi ľuďmi z iných krajín, takže od angličtiny si neoddýchli ani na minútu. Organizátori pripravili pre účastníkov bohatý večerný program, napríklad Karaoke party, Talent night, výlet a diskotéku na lodi, nákupy, exkurzie po historických častiach Istanbulu a i.
EGT tímu sa v Istanbule veľmi páčilo a sú radi, že sa do projektu zapojili pretože im to dalo veľa nových skúseností do života.

text: Milica Majorčíková, 4. B
foto: členovia tisovského tímu

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IDEA Youth Forum 2011

After the whole year effort and hard-working on the project, three students - Andrej Batyás, Milica Majorčíková and Zuzana Szalaiová made it to the finals. Their final placement was 2nd of 247 participated schools from all over the world and they went to participate at the two-week IDEA Youth Forum 2011, which was held from 19th July to 1st August in Istanbul and the World Debate Championship was part of it. More than 330 participants from more than 50 countries of the world had participated. School-leaver Klaudia Ondrejová was the couch of the Tisovec team.
During two challenging weeks these students were debating. They were attending demanding labs where they were theoretically improving their debate skills. They were learning how to create good arguments, how to react well on the opponent, they also took part in many different exercises, where they confirmed themselves in their newly gained knowledge. Then the championship, where 53 teams from all over the world were competing, begun. Our team from Tisovec fit in the 43rd place. We are satisfied with this placement whereas it was our first English debate tournament and people who were debating against us were native speakers and have been debating for several years. The winner of this competition became a team from USA.
After this championship had finished, the participants were divided into internationally mixed teams in which they were competing against each other. Andrej was in the team with an American boy and a girl from Lithuania, Zuzka was with an American boy and a girl from Romania and Milica was with boys from Canada and Belarus. Klaudia was in the trainers group where she was learning how to judge the debate for whole two weeks. It was a great experience for them because not only they were forced to use English on everyday basis, but they had to use it on the debate level as well. There they had to argue and explain everything which was often very difficult.
The fact that they didnt live in hotel rooms with their national teammates but with different people from different countries and they didnt have a while without speaking English also helped to improve their speaking skills. The organizers had prepared rich evening program for the participants, such as the Karaoke party, the Talent night, boat trip with a disco, a shopping and the excursions of historical parts of Istanbul etc.
EGT team liked Istanbul a lot and they are glad to have participated in the project because it gave them many new life experiences.

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Evanjelické gymnázium Tisovec, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk